Monday, June 1, 2009

New Moon - In June

I have read other family members blogs and know they are just as excited as I am about this movie coming out. "New Moon, Soon Soon", "New Swoon".... you couldn't have said it better. I'll just add, "Finally, in June!"

I came across an "official" movie trailer and I couldn't be more excited! It's gunah be good! Who am I kidding.... it's gunah be freaking awesome!

Want to join me to go see it? It's coming out my birthday weekend. What better way to celebrate any birthday than with a little vampire action?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

You Just Had To Be There

Have you ever been somewhere where you are mixed in with a group where everyone is in on the joke or story except for you because you weren’t present during the particular incident? And all you hear from everyone is “Oh, you just had to be there! It was so funny!” So, you are left standing there trying to visualize what everyone is talking about and throwing in a couple of forced laughs to feel like you are apart of the conversation. Well, here is my attempt at trying to get everyone “in on the joke” and hopefully, you will find it as HILARIOUS as I did.

Last night, Zenon and I were watching TV and unwinding from a long work day. It was around 9:30 to 10:00 p.m. and the load of the day was starting to take its toll. Now all of you know when you are at this point in your day, simple things can turn extremely funny quite quickly. I was sitting on the couch and Zenon got up to get some water. For no reason, he decided to pull up his shorts WAY above his waist, poke out his stomach, squint his eyes and start talking like the cartoon, Mr. Magoo. Well, you can imagine…. I lost it! I couldn’t stop laughing. I am hoping the picture will tell the story.

And, if you don’t think this is funny, well then, I guess “you just had to be there.”

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Valentine's Day Outing

Saturday night, Zenon and I went out with some friends for Valentines Day. We had so much fun. We went to see Blue Man Group. I was the only one who had seen it but it had been so long ago that I couldn’t really remember the show, so it was like going for the first time.

Apparently, the Strip isn’t a place you want to be on Valentines Day. There are too many other couples trying to do the same thing you are. However, we battled it out for parking, quickly walked through the casino and sat down just as the lights were dimming. Perfect timing!

The show was very creative. We all enjoyed the small jokes intertwined in the show. But, of course, the Blue Man Group is all about rhythm and beats and that is what they did best. It was also very interactive. They involved the audience as much as they could. It was really fun.

After the show, we went to PF Changs and had dinner. We started dinner late but we didn’t care. We were laughing and having so much fun. We also had a great waitress who would jump in and bash and joke with the rest of our group. It made for a great evening.

Overall, it was a wonderful night. I hope we have more nights like this without needing to have an excuse like “Valentines Day” to do it. Hmmm…. St. Patrick’s Day is around the corner. Anyone interested????

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Well, it's that time of year again. Either you love it or hate it. I personally love it. The idea of Valentine's Day, I believe, is more than just you and your significant other spending time with your faces smashed together. It's a day where you tell everyone in your life how much you love and admire them. It's a day where you get to spend time gushing over people you adore (i.e. spouse, family, friends and loved-ones..... even your animals). If everyone would spend time letting others know how much they mean to them, they could watch it all come back to them.... 10 fold. I guarantee it. Even when I was single, I loved this day. I would spend time on myself... showing myself love. It's great therapy!
So, LOVE to you all! I hope you all have a very happy and wonderful Valentine's Day!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Carolina!

Today is Carolina’s birthday. She is turning 8 years old! I can’t believe it. 8! She is growing up so fast.

For those of you who don’t know Carolina, she is my goddaughter’s younger sister. She is such a sweetheart. She is full of life and is determined to be the best she can be. She also has a wonderful sense of humor. She always makes me laugh with her quick-witted remarks. She talks more like an adult than a kid. I think that is why she is so funny.

For her birthday this year, she wants to go roller-skating. It brings back memories. I think all us “girls” did some kind of roller-skating when we were that age. I hope she has a wonderful day and lots of fun rolling around the rink.

Happy Birthday Carro!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Wedding Bliss??

Last night, Zenon and I were invited to go to a show at Planet Hollywood. The tickets were free so it was hard to pass up. The show was called Tony n’ Tina’s Wedding. Zenon and I haven’t been to the show so we didn’t know what to expect. Here is how it played out.

Basically, you (the audience) become the “guests” at this particular Italian wedding and reception. You are able to see the entire ceremony performed along with all the little extras that happen at weddings including: dinner, wedding cake, dancing, strange wedding singers, drunk ex-boyfriends, fighting families, picture taking, funky DJ’s, etc. It was the stereo-typical “Italian/New York” atmosphere…. and so much fun. We laughed most of the night away.

We even were lucky enough to meet a real celebrity. During the reception, as part of the “brides” side of the family, Joe Gannascoli (who played Vito Spatafore in the HBO show “The Sopranos”) made an appearance. He walked around to all the tables and talked to everyone. Zenon and I got a picture with him but alas, I will have to upload it later. Someone else took the picture with their camera so, obviously, I still need to get the picture from them.

It was a fun night. If you are looking for something simple yet fun to do in Vegas, go see Tony n’ Tina’s Wedding. You get dinner, dessert, dancing and lots of laughs!

Here is a link if you want to see what it is all about:

Friday, February 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Alison!

Yesterday was my sister-n-law’s birthday. I wanted to make sure I wished her a wonderful day. She is a great friend, sister, wife and mother.

Because they live in Colorado, we don’t get to see them much. However, I wanted to make sure she knew I was thinking of her. She has such a great sense of humor too. She is so quick-witted. She always makes me laugh. I hope she doesn’t mind the picture of her. It is all I had. She is great sending the family pictures of the kids but forgets to send any of herself. Anywho, LOVE to you, Alison. Happy Birthday!